GVK, the GBV Union Catalogue, is a multimaterial bibliographic database of seven German federal states. It covers 41.5 million records of books, conference proceedings, periodicals, dissertations, microfilms and electronic resources.
To fetch entries from GVK, choose Search → Web search, and the search interface will appear in the side pane. Select GVK (Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog) in the dropdown menu. To start a search, enter the words of your query, and press Enter or the Fetch button.
The results are displayed in the import inspection window. In case an error occurs, it is shown in a popup.
Advanced search
You can simply enter words / names / years you want to search for, or you can specify search keys. Supported keys are:
all - all words. Not specifYing a search key results in an "all" search
tit - title words
per - authors, editors, etc.
thm - topics
slw - key words
txt - tables of content
num - numbers, e.g. ISBN
kon - names of conferences
ppn - Pica Production Numbers of the GVK
bkl - Basisklassifikation-numbers
erj - year of publication
queries can be combined with "and". The use of "and" is optional, though.
in many cases you can use the truncation sign "?"
spaces in person names are not supported yet. Please use the truncation sign ? after the first name for several given names. E.g. "per Maas,jan?"
Sample queries
"marx kapital"
"per grodke and tit db2"
"per Maas,jan?"
Last updated
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